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An Update on Dipping Cups

February 6th, 2018

We're going to be temporarily out of stock of dipping cups for the month of February on our storefront. They are still available on Amazon, but once that supply is sold, they will be a while to be restocked--likely the end of March.

Here's what you can look forward to and an explanation of why!


Packing Problems

We loved the concept of a dipping tube. It looked amazing.

Then we found out, months later, that shipping a tube is very hard--and it costs extra! Because it's too long to fit in a standard box, we have to ship every tube separately which adds up quick.

It also creates missing packages and a bad customer experience: the more packages you ship, the more chances there are for error. Dipping cups seem to go missing a lot more than are satisfactory and had our highest rate of losses due to this, so clearly this had to be fixed. We've decided to ditch the tube and trade it in for a more traditional package to make the experience better.



We also felt we needed to include more tips and tricks. Working with Lynn Terry, we saw her create amazing dipping cup recipes. But we also saw some common complaints from her community: people felt there wasn't enough chocolate and they got scared of the white oil on top.

While the oil is likely to stay (it is coconut oil and it helps the chocolate melt, creating its dipping effect), we wanted to create packaging that explained it. So our packaging will now explain that the white is oil and cocoa butter; have a little less room for dipping yet still enough to make peanut butter cups; and also have more recipe ideas.

We'll try to offer melting tips as well since different wattage of microwaves changes the product's melting time significantly. We didn't clearly communicate that 10-15 seconds is an average, not always the case.

A Variety Pack

We wanted to create a variety pack as well, so during this time we'll be releasing a 9 pack which has 3 of each flavor (white, milk & dark chocolate). That will come in March.

Thank You

We love the creativity and support our dipping cups have gotten. They're a very unique product: they're all about DIY in a world where everything is done for you. Seeing your recipes and warm support for its launch has meant the world. We hope the new round of packaging will help it grow even more!



Rhea @ ChocZero


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