At ChocZero, we only use monk fruit to sweeten all of our products. We do not use erythritol or maltitol–and we never will.
We wanted to take the time to talk about sugar alcohols like erythritol as erythritol recently blew up in the media as being linked to causing strokes and cardiovascular problems. We don't want to comment on the veracity of the study as it's not our place. However, as a company that has been against sugar alcohols from the beginning, we felt compelled to tell our customers why we’ve always avoided them–and why we never will use an artificial sweetener or sugar alcohol in any of our best selling keto products.
You’ve probably heard about our main sweetener, monk fruit, before. It’s a natural gourd that’s low glycemic and a great substitute for sugar. The majority of keto friendly brands use a natural sweetener like monk fruit or stevia instead of cane sugar or corn syrup in their ingredients.
However, to save money, most keto companies also dilute their monk fruit–cutting it with erythritol or other artificial sweeteners to create a nuanced flavor profile at a fraction of the cost. These types of sugar replacements that get added on to monk fruit and stevia are known as sugar alcohols.
The reason why the majority of companies pair their plant-based sugar substitute with a sugar alcohol is for one reason only: cost.

You see, sugar alcohols are incredibly cheap. In fact, you can find artificial sweeteners in mainstream, regular products all the time as a way to amp up the sweetness because it’s cheaper than sugar per fluid ounce.
Take for example instant hot cocoa mix by a world-wide company. You can find sucralose, maltitol, or aspartame in almost every big box version, shortly after the cocoa powder and the sugar. So why would a sugar brand use sugar alcohols? Because they’re even cheaper than regular sugars! This ingredient hides toward the bottom as either sucralose or aspartame, and it’s used to make the product addictively sweet. It’s just too cheap for these companies to pass up!
This has been going on for decades in the food industry–and it will continue to go on unless consumers take a stand. That’s why we founded ChocZero in late 2016 and continue to innovate new, exciting reduced sugar products with premium ingredients. We refuse to use sugar alcohols such as erythritol.

ChocZero is the only sugar free chocolate that does not use sugar alcohols like erythritol or maltitol. ChocZero also does not use artificial sweeteners like aspartame. Instead we derive our sweetness naturally from monk fruit then add a healthy prebiotic fiber called soluble corn fiber (resistant dextrin) to all of our products. Soluble fiber is a more premium ingredient that isn’t artificial and is known for numerous benefits, like gut health and helping manage blood sugar levels.
Ultimately, we hope this clears up our passion behind our monk fruit sweetened products–as well as explains why as a company we will never use sugar alcohols. We are one of the few companies in the world that has been against the tremendous use of sugar alcohols in keto since the day we were founded in 2016, and we will remain against them: regardless of any positive or negative studies that exist.
We simply just don’t think sugar alcohols are a good enough quality for our customers. We’re foodies first, and we think food should taste good and be filled with quality ingredients. We believe erythritol violates both of those principles regardless of any negative or positive studies that come out.
Jump to article sections:
- Does ChocZero use erythritol?
- Do keto products use erythritol?
- Is erythritol safe?
- Is erythritol a natural sweetener?
- What are the health benefits of prebiotic fiber?
- Is prebiotic fiber keto friendly?
- Is soluble corn fiber maltodextrin?
- What is the worst sugar alcohol for keto?
- What’s the difference between resistant dextrin and dextrin?
- Can fiber knock you out of ketosis?
Does ChocZero use erythritol?
No, ChocZero does not use erythritol. In fact, ChocZero uses no sugar alcohols. ChocZero also uses no artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or sucralose. ChocZero only uses monk fruit and prebiotic fiber in their products in a commitment to their new standard in sweet.
Do keto products use erythritol?
Yes, most keto products use erythritol. ChocZero is one of the few keto friendly companies that has a commitment to no sugar alcohols. Whether it’s maltitol or erythritol, we do not want it in our food. We hope others join us in the new standard in sweet, limiting consumption of sugar alcohols.
Is erythritol safe?
Erythritol is GRAS (generally recognized as safe). However, a recent study shows that it may increase your risk for stroke. People with the highest level of the sugar substitute erythritol in their blood were shown to have twice the risk for stroke, blood clot or death compared with those with the lowest level. The study was led by Dr. Stanley Hazen, who chairs the department of metabolic sciences at the Cleveland Clinic.
Is erythritol a natural sweetener?
No, erythritol is not a natural sweetener. While it can come from nature in Birch trees, the method of extraction in the majority of keto products that use erythritol is corn. It’s not able to be obtained naturally.
What are the health benefits of prebiotic fiber?
Prebiotic fiber has been noted to have several health benefits, from lowering blood sugar to helping grow good bacteria in your gut. They’re great for metabolic health and help with digestive issues, making bowel movements more regular.
This is why prebiotic fiber is a great substitute to use instead of sugar alcohols.
Is prebiotic fiber keto friendly?
Prebiotic fiber is great for the keto diet. As its carb count is considered net, it’s low in net carbs which helps it fit in macro ranges. In general, due to requiring dieters to have less carbohydrates, keto dieters are lacking in their daily fiber counts. Constipation is a huge keto side effect, and prebiotic fiber helps make bowel movements regular. Prebiotic fibers can be a great way to add carbs without being knocked out of ketosis.
Is soluble corn fiber maltodextrin?
No, soluble corn fiber (also known as resistant dextrin) is not maltodextrin. They are two different chemicals. Soluble corn fiber is a prebiotic fiber that’s not digested, while maltodextrin is a starch.
What is the worst sugar alcohol for keto?
Maltitol is by far the worst sugar alcohol because it has a higher glycemic index than sugar. But more and more, we’re finding that any sugar alcohol simply isn’t truly up to standard. Take for example Erythritol. A new study came out saying erythritol can cause health issues like heart attacks. We don’t know how the study will progress, but it’s part of why ChocZero will never use sugar alcohols. We don’t feel comfortable using them in our products. We use monk fruit and prebiotic fiber for our sugar substitution needs.
What’s the difference between resistant dextrin and dextrin?
Dextrin is a form of starch that has slower reactivity than sugar. Resistant dextrin is a dietary fiber that had the chemical bonds changed between the sugars, leading to no digestion of the sugar. Resistant dextrin is a soluble fiber that’s officially recognized by the FDA as a fiber as well as GRAS (generally recognized as safe). This study shows resistant dextrin’s potential for improving insulin resistance whereas this study shows how soluble corn fiber AKA resistant dextrin is keto friendly. Lastly, this study compares maltodextrin to resistant dextrin and its impacts in type 2 diabetes.
Can fiber knock you out of ketosis?
Fiber cannot knock you out of ketosis. Your body does not digest fiber the same as regular carbohydrates. It also should not spike your blood glucose levels. If you fall under 50g of net carbs a day, you will likely stay in ketosis. Keep in mind, this varies individual to individual, and may be different if the person has a blood sugar condition that’s rare such as Type 1 diabetes.
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