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No Added Sugar Chocolate Hazelnut Shake

Make this keto friendly chocolate milkshake with a decorated glass that'll really impress the whole family.

Craving some chocolate hazelnut spread, but don't want to eat the whole jar? Try this keto copycat Nutella shake made with our no sugar added chocolate hazelnut spread. We have three flavors of the hazelnut spread to choose from, plus keto cookie butter, so you can take the base of this shake and customize how you want! This creamy, rich, and nutty milkshake is a perfect dessert for any summer day and the kids will love how yummy it is even without all the sugar.

You can pick a keto friendly ice cream to make this with or create your own from scratch. For those who want to make this a dairy-free chocolate shake, try this recipe for almond milk ice cream. Instead of heavy cream, you can use a thick, non-dairy nut milk like cashew or almond milk. Then, you can use our vegan dark chocolate hazelnut spread as the star of the show!

The secret to keeping your chocolate hazelnut milkshake colder for longer is to chill the glass. Not only does it keep the decorations attached to the rim of the glass, but it also keeps your drink chilled so you can sip this on the porch after dinner on a summer night.

This recipe comes to us from The Culinary Lion.


No Added Sugar Chocolate Hazelnut Shake

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No Added Sugar Chocolate Hazelnut Shake

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