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Loaded Savory Keto Waffles

Loaded savory keto waffles are a hearty breakfast that will power you through the rest of your morning.

You haven't had breakfast until you've tried these Loaded Savory Keto Waffles! Bringing all the flavor and none of the guilt.

Waffles are a breakfast staple! Nothing beats a crisp, golden brown low carb waffle topped with fruit and sugar free syrup--or loaded with all the fixings like this recipe. These keto waffles with eggs and bacon make for a fantastic keto brunch or hearty breakfast. Loaded with all your keto friendly breakfast favorites like fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon and cheese, these savory waffles are sure to please the whole family. Finish them off with rich sugar free maple syrup and your morning is set!

These loaded keto waffles come to us from Hip2Keto, who make delicious keto friendly family recipes that are always simple and scrumptious. 


Loaded Savory Keto Waffles

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Loaded Savory Keto Waffles

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