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No Bake Keto Buckeyes

No bake tasty low carb recipe for bite-size buckeyes.

Keto peanut butter fudge is already so delicious, but what if you wrapped it in chocolate? These classic chocolate and peanut butter balls are something right off grandma's table and we've made them low carb and keto friendly. To make these keto buckeye chocolates, you first make the peanut butter fudge, melt some of our sugar free chocolate, and then dip them almost all the way. You can use whatever kind of chocolate you like, including our white chocolate made with real cocoa butter. Then you can have yourself the perfect bite of dessert!

This recipe comes to us from Lisa over at LowCarbYum! She makes keto friendly desserts and low carb versions of your favorites recipes.


No Bake Keto Buckeyes

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No Bake Keto Buckeyes

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